It's possible to paint almost everything. Walls, doors, furniture, metal surfaces. An artist even painted his bird, but that's not advisable
Paint as a medium is just so amazing to transform anything in interiors. Some pics where paint looks good and well used. Take a look and i am sure your hands would itch to paint something too!
A client's home done with Asian paints wall fashions. Have actually not changed much of the existing interiors except a few furnishings, just repainted the walls.

One of the most prestigious client home in Mumbai. Great experience at this site, greater satisfaction to see it done well.

Another client bedroom just finished in bands. Loved them! Suggested them for blue bands with white furniture and windows.

Lovely texture on one wall and notice the false ceiling and fan painted in metallic copper colour to match up.

Painted my hammock in the garden. Couldn't spare that either;)

This is a 'tea kadai' (kadai meaning shop in tamil) in chennai. Visited this shop some months back.
Loved the mood in there.Free hand artist painting is so beautiful and a great expression of the city itself.
Overall colours used were a rouge red with green doors and chairs.

And there goes another legacy of paint...
A client's home done with Asian paints wall fashions. Have actually not changed much of the existing interiors except a few furnishings, just repainted the walls.

One of the most prestigious client home in Mumbai. Great experience at this site, greater satisfaction to see it done well.
Another client bedroom just finished in bands. Loved them! Suggested them for blue bands with white furniture and windows.
Lovely texture on one wall and notice the false ceiling and fan painted in metallic copper colour to match up.
Painted my hammock in the garden. Couldn't spare that either;)

This is a 'tea kadai' (kadai meaning shop in tamil) in chennai. Visited this shop some months back.
Loved the mood in there.Free hand artist painting is so beautiful and a great expression of the city itself.
Overall colours used were a rouge red with green doors and chairs.

And there goes another legacy of paint...